Monday, November 20, 2006

AIDS victims petition

AIDS has robbed more than 34 million children of their parents. We must work together to give these innocent victims an opportunity for a decent life.

Ask your Representative to give the innocent victims of the AIDS epidemic a second chance>>

At the last G8 conference, the United States made a promise to lead the fight to end the AIDS epidemic. Since then, the Child Survival and Health Programs Fund which provides basic education in developing countries, has been cut by $136 million. Congress is withholding $100 million in funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. And more than $100 million dedicated to to alleviating poverty has been slashed.

This funding must be restored if we want these children to have any chance to live a decent life. Help ensure the United States keeps its promise to the victims of this disease.

Tell your Representative to restore life-saving funding for the victims of the AIDS epidemic>>

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