Tuesday, May 22, 2007

who am i?

Who am I? I am just one humble truth seeker, trying to change the world. My famous tagline; does it really say anything about me? I like to think so. I seek the truth in everything, and I hope I always will. I try to remain humble in my pursuit of the truth, especially so that my perceptions and assumptions do not keep me from the truth. I am just one -- I believe there must be others in the world who desire truth as well. And while I realize I cannot change the whole world, I still believe I can make a difference.

I'm a college student, studying journalism. I hope to use journalism to impact the world positively. I'm 20 years old and wrapping up my second year of college (eek! time flies :)

The thing I want most in this world is to get published. I love writing. Fiction, nonfiction -- whatever I can get. I am never happier than when I have a pen and paper in hand, researching and writing something I am hopelessly passionate about.

I am a lifelong learner. Or at least I am learning to be a lifelong learner. I strive to have a teachable heart.

I love people, even when I don't like them. I even love people when I don't really know them. How can I say that? I strongly believe in the worth of every human being on this planet, even when others have given up hope in them. I am getting better at this every day.

I love Jesus. That truth impacts everything I do.

I feel very strongly that I am blessed to be a blessing.

Well, there's a few below-the-surface basics.

Little known fact (yeah right): I'm a confirmed chocoholic.

Now, a random list of things I like: ice cream, the color blue, smoothies, thunderstorms, comfy pj pants, a nice afghan and a good book (fireplace optional), iced tea, having a clock in every room, autumn, walks through the woods, pen and paper, playing guitar, crocheting, and singing my heart out. Just to name a few.

I hope this has given you a little picture of me :)

Now, for my unfortunate news:

I hate to drop the bomb like this, but I am almost done with school. This means I must go home, which means I will not have daily access to the Internet. Unfortunately, Wednesday, May 23, will be my last day online until autumn *sob*. I'll try to stay connected throughout the summer and check in on everyone, but I can't make any promises. I am not abandoning you! You all have created such a wonderful community here and it has meant the world to me. Believe me, I will miss you all dearly. Please don't forget me as I tarry into the world of the unplugged for a few months. I promise to return.

In the mean time, I'm working on some great stuff for the fall. I'm going to cover some topics that I am really passionate about. Hopefully, those blogs will help you get to know my heart a little better.

I will check back in tomorrow if you'd like to say goodbye. I hope you all have a wonderful, restful, fulfilling summer. Keep seeking the truth!


Sunday, May 20, 2007

recycled plastic crafts and the dangers of plastic

Got plastic bags? Make a cute kite! Also check out these cute little guys made from trash. More sea creatures, and these are crocheted!

Or if you're REALLY adventurous, make a plastic bag bra??? Yeah, I think I just said that...

Okay, realistically... how about knitting your own bag?

Big thanks to NoPlasticBags for these links!

Now, for something a little more serious...


Read it and let me know what you think.

Also, check out EnviroWoman's post on soda cans. Ick!

I've got to admit, the more I read about this, the more green I want to get!

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

plastic bags

Thursday, May 17, 2007

junk mail

“320 million of your tax dollars goes toward the disposal of unwanted junk mail. Junk mail destroys 62 million trees per year, & fills 3% of America's landfills.” (Source: www.junkmailgems.com)
Art from Junk Mail

Fact Sheet on Junk Mail

More Tips, Stats, and Ideas!

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going green

Thinking of going green? Three separate times today, I have seen these random things on the internet, so I thought I’d share them.

Care2’s Green Living Channel

The Big Green Purse – 12 ideas to go green just by replacing some everyday items with different brands

Green is Sexy – New tips every day for going green

Are you thinking of going green? Why or why not?

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